Request a free trial

Request a 21-day free trial of private cloud for virtual machines with HPE, and we'll stand up the instance in a co-located HPE data center, assign a trial manager to serve as your point of contact for a successful deployment, and set up your account on the HPE GreenLake Central Platform - providing management capabilities, usage insights, and detailed consumption reporting.

  • A 21-day trial is standard; it can be extended if needed.
  • Service is delivered through co-located HPE data center, so no equipment is needed on your premises. 
  • Your trial includes up to approximately 50 VMs - where you can provision your apps and load data to see how it would work in your environment, and get a taste of the HPE GreenLake experience.
  • There's no cost to you. 

Take the first step in bringing the cloud experience to you.